Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Guess what's back! {Delaware Family & Wedding Photographer}

Well, technically it did not go away. I gave it a break so that I can spend more time with my family and reflect on my business and focus on the direction that I wanted to go in.  There was a time when I photographed exclusively weddings, and that was up until I was pregnant. Yes, I was photographing weddings all the way up until I was 36 weeks pregnant, crazy I know.  After Charlotte was born, there was much contemplation on whether or not I would go back to weddings.  I mean, I love weddings, I absolutely love them. I love love. I love two people coming together in front of friends and family and sharing their love for each other and vowing to spend the rest of their life with one another.  I love that people choose me to capture their amazing love story.

But from when my daughter was born in 2011, and when I partially gave up weddings, my family and baby business grew. And by grew, I mean it grew a  lot.  I did almost three times as much work photographing families, babies, and kids, and it has been amazing to watch my business grow.  And thanks to so many friends in the industry that are also photographers, I have not only picked my niche, which is babies, families, and kids, but I can still have the opportunity to step outside of that niche and dive into fashion, which has been absolutely amazing!  I have been able to be even more creative and utilize techniques that I have learned from watching other photographers with posing and lighting. Lighting? Yes, you heard right. The girl who vowed to never use studio lights, uses them pretty consistently now.  And the crazy thing is? All for of these images were done in my little home studio.  So lesson here folks is you make due with what you have!

If you can stop by my Facebook page and give me some likes and share the page, I will love you forever, and don't forget to visit the actual website,  to see more great images, plus the photographic series I am doing with different subjects.

Ok! Moving right a long! Weddings! The love, the dancing, the food, the laughter. I am now accepting weddings for the rest of the year and for 2015. The only catch is that I am only accepting a very limited number of weddings. Years in business, I have learned to take what I can handle and not burn myself out. Plus, I already give my clients all of me during their sessions. I want to give all of me PLUS more to make your wedding images extra magical.

I know that through the years of me being a business owner, I have continued to grow. I have learned different styles of photography, how to pose people, how to interact with crowds, what to expect during weddings, baby sessions and more. I think that experiencing all of these types of photography has helped me to become a better photographer and a better business owner.

So when you have time, please visit my updated wedding website:    And if you know anyone that is getting married, spread the word!

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