Monday, April 25, 2011

{Children's Session-Oliva and Sophia}

Prepare yourself, I have another too cute for words session to show you.  I recently photographed sisters Oliva and Sophia at their home, and once again, I can't express how adorable those two are. I wish my sister and I had cute picture of us, but we spent the first half of our lives sneering at each other, no cuteness there. But I am glad to report we are now closer than ever!  Any who, back to the adorable babies. So yes, I headed over there to photograph Olivia and Sophia. The first sign I knew we were going to hit it off is that their playroom was filled with Disney. And if you know me, I love Disney.  Olivia was sporting pajamas that had Lightning McQueen on them (two points if you can guess where that movie is from), and there was a bunch of Tinkerbell plus Disney Princess stuff. What more could I have wished for?  Here are a few from their session, I hope you enjoy them!

Aren't they absolutely precious.  I can tell you this, they both adored the tutu's.  I don't think I had a tutu when I was younger, so it's always fun to see little girls prancing around with tutu's on.  A very special thank you to Trinity's Tutu's for making such amazing products!

Now onto the weather. It has been getting progressively warmer.  Yes, I am happy. But it has also been humid, and it seems like every other day it is raining!  I have three sessions lined up for this weekend, and so far it says it is not going to rain. I will definitely be keeping my fingers crossed!

But for now, I must leave you.  A trip to Rita's water ice is in order!!!  Till next time
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