Tuesday, July 26, 2011

All the small things

So cakes are always an awesome thing at weddings.  They are pretty, delicious filled, calorie packing things of goodness.  Cupcakes, those are great too.  But my new obsession for weddings are...mini-wedding cakes.  I don't know why, but these tiny,sugar filled miniature models are just so cute!  Depending on how many guests you have and the theme of your wedding, mini-wedding cakes can definitely add an extra personalized flair to your wedding reception.

I spent a few minutes perusing the web, and found a bunch of images of mini-cakes for some inspiration.  Take a look!

Just do a quick search on Google and you will find tons of inspiration!

I'm hoping to set up a stylized shoot featuring some beautiful mini cakes later on in the fall.
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  1. GRacias por la informacion, ha sido de gran ayuda, yo me encuentro preocupado por la perdida del cabello.

  2. Thx for this post. I would like to post something simular on my blog. This is good idea so I might use it!

  3. I'm curious if you ever have problems with what people post? The internet never used to be like that, recently though it has turned around. What are your thoughts?
